Internship / Externship
Connect academic experiences with professional opportunities. Gain exposure to potential careers, and develop professional work skills, to obtain a competitive advantage in the job search.
The Benefits of Internships
A dialysis internship is a temporary work position, generally taken on by student while they are enrolled in a study program or thereafter. These work positions are a unique form of employment because they provide individuals with the opportunity to learn through hands-on experience.
The are a wide variety of internship options available to students. They are obtained through numerous organizations that are looking to benefit from low-cost and easily trainable students, who may one day enter as specialized full-time employees. In general the length of an internship ranges from a few months to a year. This will provide recent graduates with an opportunity to develop their work skills, improve their resume qualifications, and create networking contacts.
Here is a list of benefits internships can provide:
- They allow an individual to learn more about a chosen field.
- They enable a student to apply classroom theory to real work situations.
- They teach career-related skills.
- They strengthen written and oral skills.
- They strongly enhance a resume.
- They introduce students to career professionals to network with.
Keep in mind that most internships are unpaid, and the work is not always stimulating. Despite this, internships will help you get your foot in the door and an opportunity to work in your field. You will gain valuable career experience.
The Benefits of Externships
An externship is a method of experienced-based learning that focuses on giving students practical work experience in their acquired specialty. In simple terms externship means job shadow. This can take simply pairing up with a mentor on-site or shadowing professionals working in their current environment.
An externship can run anywhere from a day to a couple weeks, and the participant is usually treated as a volunteer without pay. Information on externships can usually be obtained from the career planning departments of schools. Externships are similar to internships in that they prepare students for entering the working environment upon graduating from school.
Here is a list of benefits that externship can provide:
- You learn more about a job or occupation.
- You understand the day-to-day activities of professionals.
- You expand your network of professional contacts.
- You get your questions answered by professionals.
- There is no time commitment.
Externships are an excellent idea for anybody who is considering a career with some hesitation. Not only do you get to talk to working professionals within the career, but you get to experience the day to day of professionals. Unlike internships, you do not have to commit to an extended period of time.